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When the bird sings in the chimney - Marilyn Griffin

an echoing down the flue

I startle near

and in listening, hear

a song of morning new

A caroling of forgiveness

of mercies fresh and pure

the hymn of spring

His graces ring 

His promises assure

When I set aside the clatter

of all my worldly cares

and read His Word

the trilling bird

will quiet at my prayers

When the bird sings in the chimney

a calling; wild and free

In this quiet place

I’ll seek your face,

it is there I’ll wait on thee;

When the bird sings in the chimney

Before the Altar - Marilyn Griffin

If truly led, the Word of God gives life

So I confess my helpless, sorry state

And glean his good relief from shackled strife

To enter through God’s chosen, narrow gate


Through faith, (not blind, as worldly men believe-

but based upon the promises He gave)

I stand before His altar and receive

the undeserved forgiveness, not my grave


In rising up, He bids me rise once more

Though rooster crows, and tears are freshly spun;

He washes clean my heart; his blood did pour

like water from the cross, my sins undone


Lord, wash me clean with purifying blood

And plunge me underneath your cleansing flood


For I receive forgiveness from your hand,

now from my knees to a victorious stand!


-Marilyn Griffin

Dying to Follow You

Matt 16:24


Dying to my desire that I have your desire.


Dying to my joy that I desire your joy.


Dying to my wisdom that I desire the joy of your wisdom.


Dying to my life that I desire the joy and wisdom of your life.

His Art

Psalm 104

His Art


He wraps Himself in light; a splendid robe

And stretches heaven stars as black as night

He lays the earth's foundations 'round the globe

And rides on wings of breezes, gales of flight


As waters stood above the mountain peaks

At His rebuke they fled; His voice was heard

The echoing of thunder when He speaks

Appointing each a bound'ry by His Word


The springs gush down in valleys, flow through hills

And every beast in meadows quench their thirst

The birds are satisfied; they sing in trills

The earth breaks forth in beauty, unrehearsed


The oil of Love, the wine that gladdens heart

Let all creation praise the Father's art!

Reading scripture in a world of controversy!

As we live in a time of the 3 hour news cycles and social media where anyone can publish anything at any time, consider the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy;

2 Timothy 4:3-4

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths."

Do you regularly choose sources of information that incite your own passions and confirm your own bias? Or do you seek the truth even if it is contrary to your world view, passions or interests? Are we allowing the scriptures to transform our minds much more then all the media controversies?

Pastor Roberts message on studying the bible last Sunday was so timely I thought I would share the five simple questions Robert presented;

1. Read prayerfully

2. Read Daily

3. Read to learn

4. Ask questions and record your thoughts

5. Apply what you learn